
From the moment of establishment the Lublin University of Technology has registered the 100-times increase of the student's number and offered modern and very useful specializations and courses. At present, there are ca. 11,000 persons, where 6,400 are full time students, 3,600 part time students, 500 post graduate participants and 90 PhDs. The University presents study courses within the first level (engineer and licentiate), second level (master) and third level (doctoral degree) as well as post graduate studies. The University also offers different study structure - post degree study courses and additional course for High School students and industry employees, who are willing to continue their vocational education. Over the past 50 years over 30,000 graduates left the University. Graduates can receive the degree of Engineer or Master of Engineering, and the academic degree of Doctor of Academic Sciences. Since 1994 LUT graduates may apply for the title of "European Engineer" offered by the Federation of the European Associations of Engineers. The academic year is divided in two semesters (winter semester since October 1st till the end of January and summer semester since middle of February till the end of June). Mid-term examinations take place in February, while final examinations in June.